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  • Writer's pictureW. Grey Champion

The Carriage Lamp

Updated: Sep 25

The Carriage Lamp

Among the many things we share, Anna and I are Sherlockians, and thus enamored of the late nineteenth century, before the car, when horses and carriages were very important. Under this heading, The Carriage Lamp, evocative of those bygone, romantic days, we will on occasion include original poems, either hers or mine. The title poem is given below, and just below the divider you will see the most recent addition.

A carriage lamp lit as the night comes down

To hang upon the roofs.

Then through the foggy streets of town,

The sound of hoofs.

He’s come for me

In a horse drawn coach

As he has before.

I watch the lantern’s light approach

And hasten to the door.

“Come, my dear, and let us ride!

The coach light leads us on.

Through the night, sit by my side

Till break of dawn.”



Trees disrobe,

Strip to their naked colors,

Distinguish themselves,

A gaudy Turkey rug

Over the forest,

Never so red, never so yellow,

Infinite blending of each.

Gone the uniform of summer,

The green hijab.

Now lining the road,

A harlequin quilt,

Soon laid bare,

Stripped to the beautiful bones.

Rest now, my lovely ones!


A fringe of shimmering leaves

Catches the lukewarm light

Glancing from a south setting sun -

Exciting once, now

A terrible pure sadness,

The tinge of romance

Distilled from it.

The smoke of a bonfire,

Crickets falling asleep in the cold -

Half hearted laughter

Catches in the throat

Of a soul long dead.

Autumn Song

Clouds drop low on mountains high,

Hang like drapes

In graceful shapes,

Blur the line of sky.

On and off, cool showers

Dampen hearts

With fits and starts,

Yet bless remaining flowers.

Come autumn winds, blow bold,

Sweep the clouds,

Draping shrouds,

Awake our souls to cold!


As much if not more

Than the ripening of apples and pumpkins,

As much if not more

Than the chilly air, the yellows and reds

Revealed resplendent,

Infinite shades in the leaves,

It is the shadows of the leaves

Dancing on the floor,

A last dance

Before the fall.


Moving south,

Sun shortens the days,

Leaves place for the cool peace

Of night to take -

Plunging toward the equipoise of equinox,

Then deeper,

Rays only glancing treetops,

To the dark rest of solstice!


   Rents in the green drape of summer,

   Dead leaves below,

   One then two then four,

   Falling begins unnoted

   Until stiff winds bare trees.

   Sky is seen again

   Through rents in the clouds,

   Sun, moon, stars!

By the water

A cottonwood whispers from over the pond.

Bark lapped and scalloped

Like a Dutch barn,

The persimmon rustles soft leaves

As a north wind starts,

Rippling the algae bloom at the shallow end.

In the chill,

Crickets try to carry on.

Lotus Sermon

Gathering in the Jetavana grove,

A throng came to hear him.

He sat by the pond where lotus bloomed,

Eyes fixed on a blossom,

Close disciples near him.

He did not speak.

A murmur rose from the crowd,

“What is wrong? What does he say?”

“We came to hear a sermon.”

He sat by the lotus pond ,

Eyes fixed on the flower.

Only one disciple heard the sound

Of his silence.


Fiery hot -

Locusts hammer and saw

From trees thick and tall -

Chainsaw and jackhammer

The day long -

While chirp and song

From cool wet grass -

Crickets are

Lovers of night -


   Queer, these creatures,

   Nonpareil in bloodiness,

   Natural bonds turned deviate,

   Deadly. What? What!

   This is your own!

   No wolf would do it.

   Queer, these creatures,

   Vacant of mercy,

   Predator ghouls

   Of human quarry.

   What, you do not bleed,

    Cry out in fear and pain?

   This is you. Humankind.

South Wind

Swamp breath, hot and wet -

Not a chill to squeeze out dew -

Try not to breathe - 


Fish smother in water -

Gills notwithstanding.

Swamp breath, fetid and pestilent -

Desert heat, lethal when indexed -

No chill but death -

On shores stolen by the tide

We died - 

Humanity notwithstanding.


Marsh grass browns,

Goldenrod blossoms,

Joe Pye weed

Waves its amber flags,

Every tree is bonneted with vine,

And algae blooms all over the place!

Summer Moon

The half moon in a halo

As of cloudy egg white

Rides a clear dark sky

Between trees -

Look now or miss it!

The heavens in summer -

The Storm

The clouds grow dark

With rolls of thunder,

Monsoon time, no wonder,

The steamy air, the lightning spark,

The rain enraged,

At war with heat,

While life encaged

In grim defeat,

Looks with hope to morning,

Innocent of the warning,

Tempest in the rolling thunder,

The future will pull all asunder!

The Pond

A breeze ruffles the glassy pond,

Rocking leaf boats,

Fragile ships with elfin crew,

Sailing for the overflow

And down into the rill

That flows at times,

Quenching the deer,

Hatching frogs,

Soaking into the boggy wetlands.

The Last Angel

The grand pin oak cossets a native holly in its bosom -

Where two maple seeds fell together stands a doubletree -

High in the sycamores, two old hawk nests -

Aburst in morning song, a rainbow choir -

Cardinals and bluebirds, wrens and finches and sparrows -

Siberian iris were in bloom, deep passion of purple -

Then a flight of angels -

The first have faded, now the last -

One white angel stands alone

On the day my brother died.


Hand of heaven on my head,

Pulls the spine like a puppet string.

Now I’m a buddha, so I’ve read.

Posture is the thing.

So aligned I can be as I am,

Sitting still to follow my breath,

The rise and fall of the diaphragm,

Born on the rise, on the exhale - death.

Duality encompassed in one.

The paradox breaks my head.

As I sit in the rising sun,

Am I a buddha? So I’ve read!

Ah, Summer!

Pillow clouds parade

Across the sky,

Pillow sails across the bay,

Knifing the glassy water

Into spray,

Hilarity bobs, buoyed by the day!


In silence -

Buds swell and burst.

Without a sound -

Cells divide, limbs lengthen.

Unnoticed -

 A thought twines through my brain.

Unsung -

A song blooms in my mind.

Listen -

In the growing silence

To all things that grow

And pass in silence..


   The photons before they reach your eye -

   The still air before it ripples with sound -

   The tension of thought before you are conscious of it -

   Is not the Universal Mind your very own?

   Because it is your eye,

   You cannot see it -

   Because you ride the waves of sound,

   You cannot hear it -

   Because you never left it,

   You cannot enter it -

   You are still at home -

   Wake up!

Merry Month

Bees are buzzing -

Birds are building -

Buds are bursting into burgeoning blooms -

Bumblers bumble

On the blowing blossoms -

Raucous revelling resumes!

Rain at Night

In the rain washed night

Drops of light are scattered on the air

To glow like fog.

The road shines clean

Throwing back the images

Of tree and fence and traveler,

Falling through the dark

As fast as rain.

Carving a tunnel with our lights

We speed to our end

As if we knew the way.

Growing Season

Within days

The filigree of limbs

Will be obscured by leaves,

A green canopy will hide the sky,

And on the forest floor

Moss will green,

Ferns unfurl their furry fiddleheads.

The long sultry season will insinuate

Within days.


With my breakfast tea,

Sweet as it can be,


Morning pick me up,

Blooming on my cup

And round the pot,

Symbol good or bad,

A message to be had

For all to see,

Not the violet’s preening,

Redolent of meaning:

Remember me!


Violets blooming on the first -

April fools -

Cherry blossoms swell and burst -

Rosy jewels -

Breezes send

Now warmth, now chill -

The jonquils bend

To April's will -

Dogwoods too, while April rules,

Do their parts -

Violets, no shrinking fools,

Purple hearts!

Coming Forth

Forsythia whispers of yellow -

The swollen redbud hears -

Willow puts out a green fringe -

Tathagata -

The Drape

Behind a drape of new green leaves

Put up by deciduous trees,

The sky withdraws,

Like my mind obscured

By nettlesome thought.

The sky is there unseen till fall,

When the drape comes down;

Just as thought drifts across a clear mind,

The sun, the moon have been there all along.

Soft Spring

Soft spring,

Pale on the trees,

Twilight's slanted glow

Lingering on window panes.

So came the end of days

Long, long ago,

Now memories,

Pale and soft

In spring.

Do You See?

Setting moon hung in trees

Lights a valley fog -

Do you see?

Light and dark,

Day then night,

Back and forth -

Do you see?

But all is encircled,

One is the center -

What is this?

Only light!


   Twigs lie strewn on the lawn,

   Skeletal hands grasping at ankles.

   From all angles a cold sun glares,

   Glancing blows of light

   Off blind eyes whipped by wind.

   Small and white, the crocus

   Braves March.


   Round and full and white,

   Rising through the thick bare trees,

   The quiet of reflected light,

   Mother of pearl in glowing orbit,

   Some few arise to catch the sight,

   To those few subtle lunatics transfixed

   Bring peace, bring night!


The mute swan is not called upon

To speak,

But is prized for his beauty,

Peace and grace.

He grows old

Very quietly.

Never called upon, he is mute about

The black swan,

Mythical, terrible, improbable;

But the mute

Never tells what he knows

Unless called

To speak.


No longer do the trees, aflame with color,

Command attention.

They are line drawings on the sky,

Reflected glory.

It is the emptiness of the air itself,

For what it contains:

The damp, the chill,

The echoing bark of dogs;

Catching us by the throat,

We gasp for empty air.

Sun in Winter

From august height,

Old growth trees look down

Upon the sun,

White in a grey sky,

Caught in a tangle of twigs,

Above a cataract of frost.

Still, for all its trouble

With thick cloud and haughty trees,

It swallows me with light!

A New Coat

   In the muffled night of snow,

   Lights make soft shapes,

   Chimneys smoke from rounded roofs,

   Trees stand cold and still,

   Etching on fog,

   As about them gathers

   A new white coat.

Winter Trees

Sky shows through at last -

The sun, the overcast,

The daytime moon,

The stars at night -

Tall and bare, the winter trees

Let in light -

Come ice and snow,

Come winter’s blast,

Fall on your knees,

The sky - at last!


Raucous geese fly over glistening frost.

Through bitter cold, pure light

Graces tall trees,

Blesses all it sees.

All is right,

All is not lost,

All is never lost!

New Year

   The sun drips,

   Golden finger paint through trees,

   As our time slips through fingers.

   It is all about slipping,

   And falling

   Beneath the horizon,

   Beyond the threshold,

   Falling into night, slipping into light,

   Our fingers dripping with time.

Another Christmas

   Christmas full of jollity,

   Snow upon the holly tree,

   Friends and foes too much for me!

   Scrooge died anyway you see.


   Upon the emptiness of time,

   Upon the falling off of life

   Into the hollow spaces,

   Absent teeth, absent flesh,

   Absent love and hope,

   Upon the darkness gathering

   Faster and faster - 

   Christmas, alight and full,

   Casts a final glow,

   Catching the breath.

   Even the last.

Walk in Fog

   Sunrise through gauze -

   Water color trees -

   Red runs to yellow

   Then to russet -

   Bare arms of trees

   Made soft as wool -

   Pale grey on white.

   Sleeping hawks

   Open an eye -

   Who would walk in fog?


   Red as red could be

   Under the maple tree -

   Sunny yellow fades and dims

   Sallow on the empty limbs -

   Every color has given all 

   To the rich of russet, last of fall!

This November

Joe Pye weed waves its amber flags,

March grass browns,

Goldenrod blossoms,

Every tree is bonneted with vine

And algae blooms all over the place.

Dogwoods reliably russet,

Maples struggle to show coral,

Oaks and poplar give up dead leaves

Standing bare too soon.


No sun -

Singing alone,

The last cricket -

Novembers Past

The trees distinguish themselves

Individually, showing their true colors:

Red maple, yellow maple,

Yellow edged in red,

Copper beech, bronze oak,

And the cherries,

Diaphanous on their borders.

One day they declare themselves:

Some deafening crimson,

Some whispering coral,

Some blending a dissonance of red and green.

The maple was red one day,

And on the next, the ground was red,

The maple bare,

A flimsy scaffold of anonymous twigs.

My November Guest

My sorrow when she's here with me

Thinks these dark days of autumn rain

Are beautiful as days can be.

She loves the bare, the withered tree,

She walks the sodden pasture lane.

Her pleasure will not let me stay.

She talks and I am fain to list.

She's glad the birds are gone away,

She's glad her simple worsted grey

Is silver now with clinging mist.

The desolate, deserted trees,

The faded earth, the heavy sky,

The beauties she so truly sees,

She thinks I have no eye for these,

And vexes me for reason why.

Not yesterday I learned to know

The love of bare November days

Before the coming of the snow,

But I were vain to tell her so,

And they are better for her praise.

- Robert Frost


Reds made redder,

Yellows, gold,

The sky made bluer,

Clear and cold.

Clouds made pink

At dusk and dawn,

Dew made diamonds

Spread on the lawn.

Nights made longer

For bats and ghouls,

Grinning pumpkins,

Snag-toothed fools.

October flames out,

The fire soon dead,

But now its glow

Makes reds more red.

Morning Walk

Frost blazens brown leaves and grass blades,

Mud is frozen,

A waning moon rises with the sun,

A wedge of geese flies

Above a robin flock,

Wind bites skin,

But ears are keen for the scream

Of the hawk. Morning walk.


A flock of birds blows across the sky -

A flock of leaves blows down

A sunny blizzard -

Revealing their true colors

They skitter through the yard

Racing towards me in the wind -


The ends of days and seasons,

The hollow stillness when the songbirds roost

And the swifts and bats etch the empty twilight

With the magnificent, dark line drawings

That silhouette our joys -

The ends are what I have yearned after:

Of storybook days that pass unsensed,

Until shadow sweeps to the tops of trees,

And the sky becomes the border, unpatrolled,

Unending, of the black unknown.

Four Horses

What did the madman say?

"Repent the end is near!"

Repent what? The end is here.

Too late now anyway.

What did the madman say?

"The white horse, then the red!

Pestilence and dread!"

What more then, pray?

"War and more, famine, death!

I see them, black and pale!"

Thus did the madman wail

With his last breath.

Falling Silent

The fury, the storm,

They rise and rise and then

Fall silent.

The music wafts

Through the house, and wafts, and then

Falls silent.

Our machines, so loved,

They spin and whir and sing, and then

Fall silent.

Silence is always the last word,

And that for always.


Age is beauty, death is joy.

The babe is soon to wither.

Struggle is peace, misery happy.

The silence full with noise.

Form is Empty.

Emptiness is not.

Who Are You?

I'm not who I was a moment ago.

Did anyone see where that person went?

What about who I was in years past,

Before my youth was spent?

I don't really know who I am anymore,

But who do I need to be?

My hair short or long, my skin smooth or creased,

What should it matter to me?

My mother claimed she could find herself

With only a looking glass.

As good a way, I guess, as any need be

To watch all my selves as they pass!

Like Trees

We die like trees,


Slowly, unless downed,

Living through dormancy,

Struggling through drought,

Tolerating pests.

Shriveling with disease,

Limbs die, leaves wilt,

We live on, suffering

What should kill us, then



We die

Like trees.

Like Snow

Palest pink on breezes slight,

Wafting in the sun’s warm light,

Blossoms of the cherry tree

Sing of spring to me and thee!

Like snow, they blow a gauzy squall,

Pallid petals gently fall.

In the cold March winds they pass,

Drifting on the new green grass.

New Year

The sun drips,

Golden finger paint through trees,

As our time slips through fingers.

It is all about slipping,

And falling

Beneath the horizon,

Beyond the threshold,

Falling into night, slipping into light,

Our fingers dripping with time.


Crown of light,

Wings of white,

Angel, angel pray

Light the dark

With heaven's own spark

Guide my faltering way!

Angel mine,

Brightly shine

On this darkling place!

Wings of white

Through the night,

Fast in your embrace!

Sun in Winter

From august height,

Old growth trees look down

Upon the sun,

White in the gray sky,

Caught in a tangle of twigs

Above a cataract frost.

Still, for all its trouble

With thick cloud and haughty trees,

It swallows me with light.

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